One of the most essential measures in any exterior painting job is the preparation of this surface. Eliminating old dirt, debris and paint is vital for getting a top-notch finish. Once the outside wood surface is stripped, nevertheless, the preparations aren’t complete. There are still several steps required in preparing a stripped wood surface for painting. Although it isn’t a difficult job, it is one that demands patience and a little extra time to guarantee the wood will stay beautiful for several years to come.
Fill a bucket with a mix of one part bleach to 3 parts water.
Wipe the stripped timber with the bleach mix using a rag or nylon brush to remove any mould or mildew from the timber surface. Be sure to safeguard your hands by wearing gloves.
Rinse the wood thoroughly using a hose with a spray attachment and then let it dry.
Fill any surface holes or cracks with wood putty and let it dry for 30 minutes.
Sand the key surfaces of the timber with a power orbital sander in 3 phases. Start with coarse-grit sand paper, to eliminate leftover paint, divots, wood stain, splinters, rough spots and/or rot. Then sand it again with medium-grit sand paper as an intermediate phase, and deliver the wood to a smooth finish by sanding with fine-grit sand newspaper.
Sand the corners, edges, and other awkward and difficult to attain spaces with an oscillating tool. Use exactly the very same phases with the tool’s coarse (60-grit), medium (120-grit) and nice (240-grit) sand paper)
Apply an oil-based primer into the entire stripped wood surface utilizing a natural-bristle paintbrush.
Allow the primer to dry as recommended on the package directions. Usually primer should cure overnight.
Paint the wood surface as desired.